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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Lori Ann Beninson

    Spelling error on web page- Pediatric

    1. JimH

      Thanks Lori, appreciate the heads up. Jim

  2. halya h

    your old website posted a great drawing of lead placement for and EKG, can it still be found anywhere on this site??/

  3. JimH

    All content from the old site has been moved here. The navagation is a little different so if you can’t find what you need right away you can use the search box to the right of every page to search. I believe this is the resource you are looking for


    If you need anything else let me know.


  4. SteveE

    Jim, I am writing a paper for my paramedic course on “Refusal of Care”. In researching the topic, I found you used to have a chart on http://www.ems-safety.com/ram.htm. Do you still have that chart available? May I modify it and use it in my paper? Are there any new concepts regarding this topic? Thanks.

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