Clearing the Air: A Beginner’s Guide to Ventilation and Respiration in EMS

Let's dive into something super important for your exams and out in the field: understanding the difference between ventilation and respiration. It's like knowing the difference between driving a car and the engine actually working. Here's the lowdown:

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Taking the Helm: How EMS Responders Lead with Responsibility

Most of the time, other responders are there to lend a hand. They're like your crew on the ship, and they're usually trained to help out. But what if they don't do things just right? What if someone snaps a photo when things aren't going perfectly, and it looks like you didn't do your best?

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The Top Must-Do Self-Care Strategies for Every EMS Professional

Being an EMS professional is a super important job, but it can also be really tough sometimes. We work long hours and see lots of intense things. So, it's really important for us to take care of ourselves to stay healthy and happy. Here's a checklist to help you remember how to keep feeling good:

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The Pitfalls of Over-Reliance on Practice Exams in EMS Studies

In the world of EMS education, practice exams are a popular tool among students preparing for their exams. While these exams can be beneficial for understanding the format of the actual test and identifying areas that need improvement, an over-reliance on them can have unintended negative consequences on your ability to build comprehensive knowledge and perform well on the actual exam.

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The EMT’s Guide to Never-Ending Improvement: A Black Belt Mindset for EMS Professionals

When it comes to understanding EMS subjects, whether it's for an exam like the NREMT or just to increase your knowledge as an EMT or paramedic, I always say it's a unique journey for each person.

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